On the other hand, the corn exits the apparatus in only three places: #1 is the white cardboard tube that empties into the adjacent table; #2 is the open end of the bottom incline box; and #3 is the end of the guttering which is woven through the two incline boxes.
How do the children make sense of this apparatus? How do they make sense of the space created by the apparatus? How do they make sense of the materials such as the cardboard, corn and containers? How does interacting with the apparatus inform the child about him or herself?
Children make sense of the apparatus in dialogue with the apparatus. Some might call this exploration or experimentation, but it is more complex and intimate than simple exploration or experimentation. The apparatus invites children to use their whole body to join with it to make it come alive. In return, the apparatus offers unique challenges both physically and cognitively back to the children. Think of it this way: If there is no child, the apparatus has no actuality. That also means, that the dialogue will change depending on which child or children take up the invitation.

There is even a space that would escape most of us, but not a child. It is the space between the catchment boxes. The child pictured below is using that space to hold his pot for his particular operation.

Since the materials are many and varied with this apparatus, let's just look at how children make sense out of a set a materials, in this case, containers for holding or transporting the corn.

How does interacting with the apparatus inform the child about him or herself? For one thing, a child becomes the agent of his own actions. By pouring corn in a particular hole, he comes to see that he can transport the corn into another table with his actions.
Not only does he see himself as an agent of his actions, but he also sees how physically competent he is as he gets up and personal with the apparatus. You have seen it time and time again in the pictures with the children climbing on the lip of the table and balancing their bodies---often times leaning up against the apparatus---to complete their operations. Let me offer one more picture showing the physically competent child checking out where the corn goes when poured into the top incline. This child is straddling both tables at once using the narrow lip of the small table and the cardboard tube to balance. Oh, and he seems to be hovering over another child.
There is at least one important question I have left out of this post: How does interacting with the apparatus inform the child about his or her relationship with others? I will not try to tackle that in this post. However, it is an important question because school is, after all, a social milieu in which the possibilities for making sense of an apparatus like this are multiplied exponentially. As more and different people enter--and exit--the dialogue with each other and the apparatus, new ways and forms of knowing are invented and created. With that understanding, making sense of the apparatus has so many variables that it is important at times to stop analyzing and to relax and savor the journey.
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